Sunday 27 April 2008


Ah well the time is apon us! Well got the remainder of my gear today and did the Forth and Clyde canal on Saturday 19th April (about 21 miles). A word of advice... do not walk into Possil on a Saturday night. Not the smartest move I have every made.

Got back from Tenerife lastSunday and got food poisoning fabby do! Means I have not trained (or eaten) as I would have liked to.

Ricky has been training away on the rig and we are both crapping ourself for the weekend.

Wish us luck!

Ricky and Stu

Thursday 10 April 2008

Ricky and Stu

Ah where to start!!

Well we did some walking about a month back now! Eventually got to Arran and walked from Whiting Bay to Kildonan ,got lost went to the pub (the usual) Then did Coire Foine Lochan about 9 miles or so. Since then errrrr well holidays basically!

Ricky, Paul and I were in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for 16 days boarding everyday so I hope that has got us fit. Did a bit of off-piste walking at high altitude and went to the gym a couple of times honest!

Ricky has now left to go off-shore and assures me that he will be training hard. Me? Well I go to Tenerife on Saturday and will have to be doing some stuff there and when I get back. Where did the time go???

Planning on doing a couple of big 20 mile+ walks before Maggie's and praying I will be in condition to do this thing!

Lots of contributions thus far so keep them coming. Thanks to everyone

Ricky and Stu

Only three weekends left!!!

OH MY GOD!! Where does the time go?? We've been so hard training i've not even had time to update you all on what's been happening.

Well, erm, maybe that's not strictly true. There have been drunken nights, ann summers party, miserable weather and a birthday to celebrate.

We have managed a few hill walks (one not so successful). A long distance walk, a pedal and a walk. Plus other bits and bobs in between.

More details of our shenanigans can be read here

Meall Glas (Winter Munro)

Beinn Sgulaird (winter munro)

Glen Ample & Strathyre Forest (distance walk)

Loch Katrine (cycle) & Loch Achray (walk)

I'd also like to say thanks to all those who have sponsored us so far, we are well on the way to meeting our target, it's much appreciated. Don't forget to spread the word to others who might want to sponsor us too!!!

Cheers, Lorna x

Wednesday 19 March 2008

14 hour day!!

yes, that's right 14 hour day!! While you we're all probably tucked up all warm and cosy in bed in the wee small hours of saturday morning, two of us were rubbing our sleepy eyes at 5am, donning our walking gear and heading off up the A9.

The weekend weather promised to be cracking and so a plan was hatched. We'd head up the A9 and down into Glen Spean, heading for three munros just south of Loch Laggan. This was to be a good outing, push the limits a bit further what with winter being nearly over (aye, right).

The conditions were certainly more winter than expected, snow being between calf and knee deep and having to break trail in that sure takes it out of you!! On making it to the first munro, doubts were beginning to show, was the day going to be too much? could we make it back before dark? had we bitten off more than we could chew?

No, of course not. We can do this, the weather's almost perfect and we can see the other hills surely it's not as far as it looks. So we soldiered on, tramping through the soft deep powder, stopping only to re-fuel before battling on up the second munro of the day. Too windy to stop at the summit and time is marching on. Off to the third, no stopping us now, we can do this!!!!!!

Some Views.......

As it happens we did make the round of all three munros, all 26kms, with 1500m of ascent in 10 hours.

We made it back to the car just before sunset, tired and happy!

We also got new walking poles for the event so this was the first chance to try them out, and they certainly got a good test run.

So all plans were off for Sunday, (being too sore to even make an ascent on the stairs never mind another hill) and now I know why it's supposed to be a day of rest!!

That's all for now, Lorna x

Lunar Action

Last weekend the team split for training, with two heading to Arran, two heading to Dalwhinnie(more on that later) and one still awol.

A message came in from Arran reporting a Lunar eclipse!!

Full Moon!

Half Moon!

Total Eclipse!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 6 March 2008

On the way back
Ardrossan harbour from our friend Duffy and Suzi's place. Not sailing today then!

The Wee Stu Bulletin

Well that was hard going! Me and Ricky's first "proper" walk prob about 17 miles or so, although it had grown to 20 miles by the time we got to the pub!
Good fun although it is hitting home how far 43 miles is going to be. Was quite hilly though which ,apparently, is not really an issue with Maggies but we are still going to have to keep the training up.

As you may have deduced we never made it to Arran cos of the high winds so it was a good chance to do a walk with the team. Planning to go to Arran on Friday 14th and do so more walking and get the bikes out soon.

Rugby this weekend which should be good oh and I can recomend ths walking malarky it makes the first pint you have after it aaaaaammazing!
More pics and comments to follow please keep pledging!

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Finally the team trains!!

No turning back now, confirmation of registration has been received, training t-shirts have been supplied and the training plan OMG!!!!

Much training is required and so a plan was hatched for saturday, a nice fairly easy walk around Glen Finglas, only 4 of the 5 team members could make it and little did we know what the weather gods had in store for us.

We endured storms and gale force winds, at times there were blizzards and driving rain, but together we marched on nothing could stop us!!!!!!


In between weather fronts the day was good and definitely raised the bar for training. And in keeping with the team name it ended in the Lade Inn.

Beer, beer and more beer!!!

A more detailed trip report, with more photos can be read here
On sunday Stuart and I went for a cycle along the canal, 22 miles in 3 hours, hopefully we can improve that to 30miles in 3 hours!
Lorna x

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Wee Stu contributions

Having been told to hi-jack Lorna's blog, here's an update on Ricky and my (WeeStu's) training regime. ahem! This has consisted thus far of a walk to the Canal lock 16 pub and back (seriously!) although, in our defence, the pub is in Falkirk and it is about a 7 mile round trip. Oh and yes we did have a cheeky pint. We walked super-quick on the way back though honest!
Apart from that Ricky has been doing gym stuff where the busted wing allows and i have been injuiring myself at football as usual.
It gets serious this weekend though! A trip to Arran to do Goat Fell and mabye the Glen Rosa and walking the length of the Edinburgh mile next weekend (between pubs) after the Scotland v's England rugby! Again followed by much discussion like hell 43 miles walk is really far eh!!
Anyways i have about £300 in pledges already so no turning back now.
Whose idea was this Ricky?
In all seriousness, as you know, it is a great charity. My family have dealt with cancer and the after effects and I am proud to be getting off my skinny ass and doing some fundraising for them.
More pics and news to follow!

Monday 18 February 2008

It'll all end in beers!

Maggies is now 11 weeks away!
(10 weekends left for training minus those that people are on holiday, working or otherwise intoxicated!)

The registration was sent on Friday, Team name IT'LL ALL END IN BEERS. Team members Me, Stuart, Ricky, Stu and Alan. Support team Iain and Fiona (mum and dad).

So it seems slowly the joints and muscles are easing off and the training has started. New boots have been purchased by those needing them and to quote Alan "training has started,lifted packs of crisps and cans of coke, three sets of four, good start"

Stuart and I got out hillwalking this weekend, 8 hour day walking about 17 miles (up and down hills remember). I am slightly injured now though, having had a bit of a clumsy day yesterday. I forgot to pack by insoles for my 4 season winter boots. These boots are rigid winter boots, made for attaching crampons and kicking steps into snow, the inside is covered with a bit of felt and stapled in. My nice comfy supporting insoles are supposed to then go inside but I left them in my other boots, only realising at the furthest away point of the day, when my feet started to burn. I did make it bak to the car but with feet in tatters! Bleeding blisters! The furthest I can walk now is from the couch to the fridge and back again, making involuntary noises oh, ee, ah, oh, ouch!

Just waiting for confirmation of registration from Maggies and the training handbook to see what we should be doing and probably to find out that training should have started last summer!!


Lorna x

Monday 4 February 2008

Wii, broken bones

Two weeks since the last post, not much training has been done. Ricky has broken his collar bone in three places whilst on adventures in Canada, OUCH!! he'll be able to do some walking training now(if somebody helps him get dressed) as he can't drive anywhere, right collar bone too, double bummer!

We had a Wii night last weekend, just a wii cocktail party! drinking went on for about 9 hours, so leaving the house on Sunday was not an option, hee hee!

This week we've been swimming on wednesday and running today, Stuart's on call so can't do much else!! I was also out on a field trip with the college on Tuesday, the whole day in the p***ing rain at holyrood park and up arthurs seat. Still a good day though, got good exercise and beats being at work anyday!

Now Ricky's home it's time to sort out registations and logistics. Having a slight problem working out who's supporting, what transports needed, who'll watch the cat and will we need to go to plan B and let stuart drop out to be the second half of the support team?

Lorna x

Monday 21 January 2008

Quiet week!!

Not much to say this week!! Been exercising, maybe not enough but slowly building up. Managed to find a place to go swimming, did 30 lengths this morning. We were hillwalking yesterday, 41/2 hours in the ochils, still a fair amount of ascent 900 + metres. Our usual couple of days of core workouts and we even ventured out for a run on Wednesday night. Me running, ha ha ha!!!

Places on the team are filling up now, with 5 of us confirmed. Me, Ricky, Stuart, Stu and Alan. I think we are definitely registering for Gold (the full 73 miles) and the form should be sent away as soon as Ricky gets back from snowboarding in Canada, then there will be no getting out of it!

The only other headache now is trying to co-ordinate it all i.e accommodation, travelling etc and deciding on footwear! Well I am female after all and it's all about the shoes ;0)

Lorna x

Monday 14 January 2008

Snow, Glorious Snow.......

Here we are again, another week has past and probably still not doing enough exercise!!

I did do several core workouts during the week, and walked only on one lunch break. Tried to go swimming but the pool we normally go to (Stirling) the roof has collapsed so we went to Grangemouth, never again.....nuff said!! We did do 26 lengths when we were there but I couldn't stand it any longer so this week we will try elsewhere.

The best day was yesterday. We were hillwalking near crianlarich, Glen Dochart in lovely deep snow and bright sunshine.

The walk was 12.3km and it took us 6 hours 30 mins (including breaks). Usually it wouldn't have taken just quite as long but we were breaking trail in the snow, which is thigh burning work! In some places the snow was between knee deep and thigh deep, in other places we just crunched along the top. Can't begin to describe how awesome the day was...

trip report here, along with photos

This week must try harder! And not give into temptation to be a couch potato and eat tons of chocolate instead!!

Lorna x

Monday 7 January 2008

Dirty Sunday!!

Sunday night, time for a weekly exercise update. Bearing in mind it's the first week there's not much to comment on. Monday Tuesday Wednesday, 2-3 mile walks. The Christmas decorations also came down on wednesday so there's room for excercising in the house now! Thursday a couple of core workouts were done and Friday I took my Ipod to work and walked on my lunch break - 30 mins 2 miles (I had to leave time for eating!)

Stuart and I had planned on an outdoor exercising weekend, biking on saturday and hiking on Sunday. Saturday came and we got all ready to go, padded shorts and all only to then open the curtains and see rain pouring and the wind howling (mental note to open curtains before getting ready!) Saturday's plan was now scrapped and more indoor exercising was suffered!

Today was better though and as I sit here typing I can hardly move my legs and my butt hurts, which is probably more info than you wanted, but I'm tired and happy as the weather gods finally allowed us out and we cycled 30 miles today. Allandale to Bishopbriggs and back along the canal. Now I know that technically it's not that demanding but it's a start and cycling into a head wind for the first 15miles sure takes it out of you! As well as that, because of all the rain the previous day the canal path was more like a dirty burn and we were well and truely caked in mud from head to toe by the time we got back to the car. So much so, a trip to mum and dad's had to be made to hose down the bikes, bags, and clothes and the washing machine has been going ever since! But it was great and my house is back to the usual chaos with muddy boots and drying equipment everywhere.

So week one is over and we limp into week two hoping that i can actually move in the morning!

Lorna x

P.s. Ricky had issues getting onthe rig but all is well now, he's there and i'm sure he's exercising as I type ;o)

Thursday 3 January 2008

And then it begins......

Okay, so Christmas and New year has past and it's only 120 days (4 months approx) to our mammoth challenge. The whole Great Glen in 24 hours, OUCH! That's 73 miles in a day, my muscles ache at the thought of it. So far the team consists of Me and Ricky, brother and sister. There are two other possibilities Alan and Stuart. There is also the important task of bike transport driver and smelly sock collectors i.e. the support team and this so far consists of Mum and Dad at the moment.

So it's time to think about getting fit, now that i've spent the last week munching all the chocolates and cakes from Christmas, obviously to avoid temptation at later stages in the diet/fitness regime, ha ha ha ha.

The possibilities for fitness during the darkest month of the year are limited for a gymophobic, outdoor type like me. Ricky on the other hand is leaving for two weeks offshore and when he gets time off from working too hard he doesn't have far to go with all facitlities provided on the rig! He assures me he will be cycling the 30 miles and doing other types of gym things to start preparing. My choices are going to have to be swimming and core workouts during the week and hiking and biking at the weekend. (excuse me while I say a little prayer for dry weather)

Over the next few months on the run up to the event i'll keep this blog up to date on the progress being made and the ups and downs of getting ready for the MONSTER!!!

Thanks for reading and enjoy, Lorna x