Wednesday 19 March 2008

14 hour day!!

yes, that's right 14 hour day!! While you we're all probably tucked up all warm and cosy in bed in the wee small hours of saturday morning, two of us were rubbing our sleepy eyes at 5am, donning our walking gear and heading off up the A9.

The weekend weather promised to be cracking and so a plan was hatched. We'd head up the A9 and down into Glen Spean, heading for three munros just south of Loch Laggan. This was to be a good outing, push the limits a bit further what with winter being nearly over (aye, right).

The conditions were certainly more winter than expected, snow being between calf and knee deep and having to break trail in that sure takes it out of you!! On making it to the first munro, doubts were beginning to show, was the day going to be too much? could we make it back before dark? had we bitten off more than we could chew?

No, of course not. We can do this, the weather's almost perfect and we can see the other hills surely it's not as far as it looks. So we soldiered on, tramping through the soft deep powder, stopping only to re-fuel before battling on up the second munro of the day. Too windy to stop at the summit and time is marching on. Off to the third, no stopping us now, we can do this!!!!!!

Some Views.......

As it happens we did make the round of all three munros, all 26kms, with 1500m of ascent in 10 hours.

We made it back to the car just before sunset, tired and happy!

We also got new walking poles for the event so this was the first chance to try them out, and they certainly got a good test run.

So all plans were off for Sunday, (being too sore to even make an ascent on the stairs never mind another hill) and now I know why it's supposed to be a day of rest!!

That's all for now, Lorna x

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