Monday 7 January 2008

Dirty Sunday!!

Sunday night, time for a weekly exercise update. Bearing in mind it's the first week there's not much to comment on. Monday Tuesday Wednesday, 2-3 mile walks. The Christmas decorations also came down on wednesday so there's room for excercising in the house now! Thursday a couple of core workouts were done and Friday I took my Ipod to work and walked on my lunch break - 30 mins 2 miles (I had to leave time for eating!)

Stuart and I had planned on an outdoor exercising weekend, biking on saturday and hiking on Sunday. Saturday came and we got all ready to go, padded shorts and all only to then open the curtains and see rain pouring and the wind howling (mental note to open curtains before getting ready!) Saturday's plan was now scrapped and more indoor exercising was suffered!

Today was better though and as I sit here typing I can hardly move my legs and my butt hurts, which is probably more info than you wanted, but I'm tired and happy as the weather gods finally allowed us out and we cycled 30 miles today. Allandale to Bishopbriggs and back along the canal. Now I know that technically it's not that demanding but it's a start and cycling into a head wind for the first 15miles sure takes it out of you! As well as that, because of all the rain the previous day the canal path was more like a dirty burn and we were well and truely caked in mud from head to toe by the time we got back to the car. So much so, a trip to mum and dad's had to be made to hose down the bikes, bags, and clothes and the washing machine has been going ever since! But it was great and my house is back to the usual chaos with muddy boots and drying equipment everywhere.

So week one is over and we limp into week two hoping that i can actually move in the morning!

Lorna x

P.s. Ricky had issues getting onthe rig but all is well now, he's there and i'm sure he's exercising as I type ;o)

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