Monday 14 January 2008

Snow, Glorious Snow.......

Here we are again, another week has past and probably still not doing enough exercise!!

I did do several core workouts during the week, and walked only on one lunch break. Tried to go swimming but the pool we normally go to (Stirling) the roof has collapsed so we went to Grangemouth, never again.....nuff said!! We did do 26 lengths when we were there but I couldn't stand it any longer so this week we will try elsewhere.

The best day was yesterday. We were hillwalking near crianlarich, Glen Dochart in lovely deep snow and bright sunshine.

The walk was 12.3km and it took us 6 hours 30 mins (including breaks). Usually it wouldn't have taken just quite as long but we were breaking trail in the snow, which is thigh burning work! In some places the snow was between knee deep and thigh deep, in other places we just crunched along the top. Can't begin to describe how awesome the day was...

trip report here, along with photos

This week must try harder! And not give into temptation to be a couch potato and eat tons of chocolate instead!!

Lorna x

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