Thursday 10 April 2008

Ricky and Stu

Ah where to start!!

Well we did some walking about a month back now! Eventually got to Arran and walked from Whiting Bay to Kildonan ,got lost went to the pub (the usual) Then did Coire Foine Lochan about 9 miles or so. Since then errrrr well holidays basically!

Ricky, Paul and I were in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for 16 days boarding everyday so I hope that has got us fit. Did a bit of off-piste walking at high altitude and went to the gym a couple of times honest!

Ricky has now left to go off-shore and assures me that he will be training hard. Me? Well I go to Tenerife on Saturday and will have to be doing some stuff there and when I get back. Where did the time go???

Planning on doing a couple of big 20 mile+ walks before Maggie's and praying I will be in condition to do this thing!

Lots of contributions thus far so keep them coming. Thanks to everyone

Ricky and Stu

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