Monday 18 February 2008

It'll all end in beers!

Maggies is now 11 weeks away!
(10 weekends left for training minus those that people are on holiday, working or otherwise intoxicated!)

The registration was sent on Friday, Team name IT'LL ALL END IN BEERS. Team members Me, Stuart, Ricky, Stu and Alan. Support team Iain and Fiona (mum and dad).

So it seems slowly the joints and muscles are easing off and the training has started. New boots have been purchased by those needing them and to quote Alan "training has started,lifted packs of crisps and cans of coke, three sets of four, good start"

Stuart and I got out hillwalking this weekend, 8 hour day walking about 17 miles (up and down hills remember). I am slightly injured now though, having had a bit of a clumsy day yesterday. I forgot to pack by insoles for my 4 season winter boots. These boots are rigid winter boots, made for attaching crampons and kicking steps into snow, the inside is covered with a bit of felt and stapled in. My nice comfy supporting insoles are supposed to then go inside but I left them in my other boots, only realising at the furthest away point of the day, when my feet started to burn. I did make it bak to the car but with feet in tatters! Bleeding blisters! The furthest I can walk now is from the couch to the fridge and back again, making involuntary noises oh, ee, ah, oh, ouch!

Just waiting for confirmation of registration from Maggies and the training handbook to see what we should be doing and probably to find out that training should have started last summer!!


Lorna x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck weeleo
Hope you have a great time and yes you should of started training last summer!Just keep your head down and you should be ok.if you had asked me earlier i could of designed fitnes programmes for yous.No worries and good luck.Porkpie