Sunday 27 April 2008


Ah well the time is apon us! Well got the remainder of my gear today and did the Forth and Clyde canal on Saturday 19th April (about 21 miles). A word of advice... do not walk into Possil on a Saturday night. Not the smartest move I have every made.

Got back from Tenerife lastSunday and got food poisoning fabby do! Means I have not trained (or eaten) as I would have liked to.

Ricky has been training away on the rig and we are both crapping ourself for the weekend.

Wish us luck!

Ricky and Stu

Thursday 10 April 2008

Ricky and Stu

Ah where to start!!

Well we did some walking about a month back now! Eventually got to Arran and walked from Whiting Bay to Kildonan ,got lost went to the pub (the usual) Then did Coire Foine Lochan about 9 miles or so. Since then errrrr well holidays basically!

Ricky, Paul and I were in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for 16 days boarding everyday so I hope that has got us fit. Did a bit of off-piste walking at high altitude and went to the gym a couple of times honest!

Ricky has now left to go off-shore and assures me that he will be training hard. Me? Well I go to Tenerife on Saturday and will have to be doing some stuff there and when I get back. Where did the time go???

Planning on doing a couple of big 20 mile+ walks before Maggie's and praying I will be in condition to do this thing!

Lots of contributions thus far so keep them coming. Thanks to everyone

Ricky and Stu

Only three weekends left!!!

OH MY GOD!! Where does the time go?? We've been so hard training i've not even had time to update you all on what's been happening.

Well, erm, maybe that's not strictly true. There have been drunken nights, ann summers party, miserable weather and a birthday to celebrate.

We have managed a few hill walks (one not so successful). A long distance walk, a pedal and a walk. Plus other bits and bobs in between.

More details of our shenanigans can be read here

Meall Glas (Winter Munro)

Beinn Sgulaird (winter munro)

Glen Ample & Strathyre Forest (distance walk)

Loch Katrine (cycle) & Loch Achray (walk)

I'd also like to say thanks to all those who have sponsored us so far, we are well on the way to meeting our target, it's much appreciated. Don't forget to spread the word to others who might want to sponsor us too!!!

Cheers, Lorna x